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Phill The Love, People

What up, Party People?

There's a new blogger in town, have ya felt his presence around the bloggosphere?
Can you feel it? - Can ya phill-the-love, PEOPLE?!

Show your Love to, Phillip Luu~
Woooooo~ Starting from Today, Tuesday the 5th, 2010, at 10:10pm 54seconds...Phillip Luu has stepped into the Cybernetic World of the bloggosphere to find a girl and date online... Jaaah-OKES!
-siff he needs to, he got me~ ;) [Who am i? - find out after the Break]

[Break time], i am seriously not coming out of the closet...yet - Jaah-OKES! - No Homo D:
Anyways Stay tuned for an exciting Bloggo...blast with What Phillip has installed for ya followers~
- and remember...stay in school, don't do drugs, don't do sex until married...
so Be teh Goot' boi/gurl, get teh goot' grayes, get teh munneys, get teh hunneys~
(Translation: Be the Good Boy/Girl,(to) Get the Good Grades,(then) Get the Money, (then) Get the Hunny(s) .__.)

Okay, Imma STFU now =D
Peace, Spread the Love

P.S. I'm Awesome~ CHYEAHHHHHHHHHH BOI~!!! ;) - Tuan Dang